Nonprofit Development Strategies & Grant Writing

Are you short-staffed, and in need of temporary assistance?

Are funding opportunities falling between the cracks? 

Get the assistance you need to sustain and grow your small to mid-sized nonprofit. I can provide you with the training, information, tools and resources to help you get the funds needed for your mission.

Development Services include:

Review of grant materials and previous grants submitted

Suggestions on how to improve narratives, budgeting, data, and additional materials

Research and development of a one-year detailed grants calendar

Grant writing, editing, and reports

Database development

Assistance with fundraising events


Staff coaching and training

Board Development

Strategic Planning

Marketing and social media strategies


Mary Milelzcik  310.990.2549

I have a Masters degree in Public Administration and over 25 years of experience in nonprofit management in California and Hawaii.  

“We were lucky to have Mary serve as a Fund Development consultant for the Volunteer Center South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach for several years. She managed our grant process to help us raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for our key programs. She also advised us on fund development matters including grant proposal best practices, donor cultivation and stewardship and nonprofit management.  Mary brings diverse experience working for many different types of clients and has the unique ability to think like a funder and help you make sure you are presenting the best possible proposal and materials.  With Mary, you get much more than a grantwriter- you get a valuable fundraising advisor and a friend!” Sara Myers, President/CEO

Mary has an uncanny ability to understand nonprofit challenges and opportunities to help Executive Directors and Board Members see realistically into the future to create a meaningful, realistic strategic plan. Our strategic plan did not end up tossed on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.  We were excited about the goals and where the strategic plan would  bring the agency to in three years that we worked on what was identified and after 3 years I am thrilled to report that we met or exceeded 90% of our goals.  Mary helped us define, write and creatively illustrate our strategic plan that was inclusive, visionary and clear.  We couldn’t have done it without her.”  Lorette Herman, Executive Director, Alcoholism Center For Women (ACW)